WelcomeBOT registered on MMMM D, YYYY (? years ago)

Total contributions: ? (Edits: ?)

Total edits (MediaWiki): ?

Minor edits: ?

Pages created: ?

Files uploaded: ? (New uploads: 0)

Total bytes changed: ?.? kB

Average bytes/edit: +?.? kB

Bytes balance: +?.? kB

Biggest edit:

Overall: User:PhoneWave (?.? kB)

Main namespace: Unknown article (?.? kB)

Most edited page:

Unknown Article (? edits)

Largest number of edits in a day: ? ? years ago

Unique pages edited: ?

Edit streak:

? day current

? day longest

Contribution numbers:

? last 7 days

? last 30 days

? last 6 months

? last 12 months

? average per day since joining

WelcomeBOT's Graphs

Edits timeline


Edits by namespace

All times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

Edits per hour of the day


Edits per day of the week


Edits per day of the week and hour


Edits per month


Edits per year


Edits by language


WelcomeBOT's Achievements

? of ? unlocked (?%)

Loading achievement data...

Achievement images by Carol Liao. Licensed CC-BY 4.0.

Calling Miss Pauling

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"WelcomeBOT" is not registered, is invalid or is missing from our database.
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